Monday, November 28, 2011

Paradise Found!

Paradise Found!
Paradise is not lost!  We are lost if we cannot see the paradise that lies before us.  Adam and Eve symbolically eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was only the first time we thought we knew the mind of  God.  Ironically, arrogance (which is the poison fruit) comes from knowledge with the ignorance of a larger knowledge of our limitations.  When gaining knowledge, it is easy to loose our humility, and to think that we know everything about the subject.  Because of the knowledge and the power that we gain from it, we may think that we are superior and can use the power in any way we wish, forcing our beliefs and will on others or wrecklessly altering the symbiotic balance of our earth.  
Certainly we have seen the rise and fall of religious sects and individuals who have arrogantly claimed that they had the answer.  They set themselves up as little gods through which all others have to pass in order to reach God. 
 Beware when a man says that “God said”!
It is the fruit of the tree of knowledge that is poison, not the tree.  We set ourselves up as little gods through the arrogance that comes from a tiny bite of knowledge.  It is the arrogance that makes us feel naked and ashamed of our bodies because it reminds us of our connection with all the other living things on the earth.  It is the arrogance that makes us deny our mortality and assert our dominion over the earth, rather than harmoniously sharing in its diverse bounty.
We must always be on guard when learning, no matter the subject (there are many trees of knowledge, not just the one of good and evil). It is the arrogance that will ultimately damn us and our paradise into nonexistence -- unless we take an antidotal dose of humility. We must humbly remember that we cannot know all, and that we could be wrong about what we think we know.  Through humility we can once again find our lost paradise and live in harmony with all things on the earth.  Truly the meek and humble of heart will inherit the earth.    

Dan Bowlds

Friday, July 22, 2011

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

As I sit here nestled into the shaded feet of this mighty Oak, resting for a moment from the heat of midday toil, I gaze out into a field of late Summer flowers -- a sea of delicate blooms swaying in the cool breeze that is gently soothing my burning face. And I see dancing atop the yellow waves, camouflaged, shy, and almost unnoticeable, a bright yellow butterfly kissing the blooms with her most delicate touch. Her beauty and grace are overwhelming me, and she is filling my heart with desire!

But my heart is not filled with lust. Rather, it longs to float carelessly with her beautiful Kindred Spirit upon this cool Summer breeze. And with these wings that she has given me, sail into the garden to dance among the roses. And to share the sweet nectar of life through our hearts with words, melodies, and fruits of the palette … If only for a fleeting moment in this midday Summer's Heat.

Dan Bowlds

Saturday, January 8, 2011



Really, aren't we all somewhat alone inside?
Keeping our true feelings secret, the things we hide?
Building our defensive walls formidable and high,
Concealing from others our most vulnerable side?
Then, locked in our impenetrable fortresses,
Crystals of icy purposelessness pierce our hearts,
And we are reminded of something we knew from the start.
Love from another, as from our mother, in loving arms where we rest,
Is equally essential to life as nourishment was from her breast.

Dan Bowlds