We had a herd of cattle when I was a boy growing up on the farm. We raised corn to feed them in the winter and stored it in a corn crib in the barn. The cows broke into it once, and ate until they almost foundered, and then they stood up in the middle of the corn and commenced to urinate and defecate all over the rest of it. I gave my cows an IQ test once while I was farming, just to see how smart they were. They flunked! Really though, they are not the smartest of mammals, probably bordering on the dumbest, except that I don't think the way we have been acting in our earth food bin is much better than they did in the corn crib.
Reckoning Day is Coming

The sun is setting on the United States' period of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity for all. It is because of our own doing, and lack of concern that this is happening. In the tradition of the invading Europeans, our Western civilization nineteenth century "manifest destiny" ideals have all but destroyed aboriginal culture and means of existence, and has been the cause of genocide against them. We have silently watched as the pristine wilderness was plundered, and lived as though we were God's only special people, with the philosophy that only we have "dominion" over all on this earth, and it is ours to do as we please. We did not listen to the "Heathens" or take any lessons from their way of life that is harmonious with nature, and is sustainable for future generations. Greed, selfishness, and materialism have ruled our society, with a facade of self proclaimed holiness. A person's worth has been measured in wealth and the amount of power they have over others, regardless of how that power or wealth was obtained.
And now the Earth, God's creation that was made for all living things and all people, is in danger of becoming uninhabitable. The climate IS changing. Things are happening much faster than some expected. We may not be able to undo the damage, or even stop the change. But I remain optimistic, and know that we must not remain silent. We must do what we can to help stop this headlong power dive into oblivion. And we must do it with love and compassion for all, and not with the militant medieval ways of force and violence.
Let us not go into that dark night without a fight!
There are very wealthy powerful forces, both individuals and corporations acting as individuals, small in number but in control of many, who will vehemently resist any change in the status quo. This fungal clique has its poisonous tentacles in financial establishments, communications, governmental and law enforcement bodies, food production and logistics ... practically every aspect of our society. They will use any means available to them to remain in control. So in our "battle" to save us, we are likely to face all kinds of misinformation, injustices, violence, intimidation, and efforts to silence our voices. We must remain strong and determined, use our heads and hearts to overcome, never lower the fight to violence, a game they excel in and where they will surely succeed. We must follow the lead of the Dove, not the Hawk. The way to peace is through love. We must win the hearts of many to overcome this war against mankind,nature, and the very mother earth that nourishes us.
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