Monday, February 6, 2017

What Time is It?

What Time is It?

Universe visible contents and all of its space consists solely of a fixed and finite amount of “Space Bubbles”. Each one has its unique brand of space that cannot be shared with another. The space in the Space Bubbles is invisible to us because all exhibitions of physical actions in the Universe require its expansion to exist.
One of the properties of the Universe is time. The passing of time is a result of the linear expansion of Universe space into an infinite invisible Void of non-universe space. The space expansion comes from within each of the space bubbles, and is the only independent action causing the Universe to exist. More of the Bubble's unique space is created within it from an unknown source outside of our Universe. This creative expansion comes in incremental steps that are random to each bubble. The time that we experience is an average expansion of many Space Bubbles in a volume of space where the observance is made.
Time seems continuous to us because it is averaged over a large viewing volume and the expansion of space is also required for all other properties of the Universe to be exhibited. But, on a very small scale, one down on the Space Bubble level, time as we think of it does not exist. Because individual space bubble expansion comes in discrete steps, Universe time for that bubble does not exist during the non expanding phase. (This is the reason for the quantum mechanics quandary of Heisenburg's uncertainty principle when trying to observe very small objects in a short period of time).

So, is it possible that there is another Universe this bubble is in during its non-expansion phase in our Universe? More than that, is an entire Universe existing that is invisible to us during the non-expansion phase of our Space Bubbles?   

More about this in my book that is available here:

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